Geeklab icon generator

Geeklab meets AI in the form of an icon generator 🤖

Testing the impact of your app icon has never been easier. Our icon generator helps you design eye-catching icons for your next icon test or act as a means to visualize your vision for designers to create. Here’s how it works ⬇️

On the left panel click on Assetlab onthe dashboard to enter. The icon tool opens up and allows you to input the prompt. Describe what you want to see on the icon and also, what you don’t want to see if there is something you want to exclude.

The generator will start to work on the images when you click generate. Once the images are done, four variations will appear on the right-hand side. The more you generate, the more you will get variations. All of them will be saved in the gallery below.

Once you have your generated icons, you can choose to save them, re-generate variations or polish any version you want.

If you want to reuse the prompt and enhance it, click the purple copy icon below the download button and the prompt will automatically appear back on the prompt input block on the left.

icon test

Ideas to test for your next icon test:

  • One character vs. multiple
  • Seasonal designs (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, etc.)
  • Type of character

Adjust has earlier published an article about the best practices of icon testing, check it out 👈

generated icons
Examples of icons generated on Geeklab


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