5-Step ASO and A/B Testing Strategy

5-Step ASO and A/B Testing Strategy

Are you looking to improve your app or mobile game’s conversion rate? With millions of apps competing for attention, standing out in the app store can feel like an uphill battle. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a 5-step ASO and A/B testing strategy to help you step up the game.

Step 1: Keyword Optimization

Your goal is to enhance app discoverability through targeted keywords.

Comprehensive keyword research

To get your app in front of the right audience, you need to speak their language. Use ASO tools to dig deep and find high-traffic, low-competition keywords relevant to your app or game. Don’t forget to spy on your competitors to see what’s working for them. Everything starts with an audit to your own app or game to figure out the relevant keywords. User reviews are a great way to analyze how your users or players describe your app or game. To find the sweet spot of relevant keyword that aren’t as competitive yet have traffic, taking a look at which keywords the competitors are ranking for. This helps detect underutilized gaps in keywords and generate new ideas for your keywords.

Optimized metadata

Once you’ve got your keywords, it’s time to weave them into your app’s title, subtitle, description, and keyword field (for iOS) or short description (for Android). Remember, keywords should blend in naturally. Keyword stuffing is a big no-go—keep it readable and relevant.

It is important also to regularly keep tabs on your keywords to make sure they stay relevant and updated.

Step 2: Visual Asset Optimization

Your goal is to improve the visual appeal and clarity of the app store product page.

Optimized app icon

Despite its small size, the icon is your first impression, so make it count. Design a distinctive and recognizable icon that makes your game or app stand out in search results. A/B test different designs to find the one with the highest impact.

Enhance screenshots and videos

High-quality, engaging screenshots and video previews are crucial. Showcase your app’s key features and benefits or core elements and gameplay of your game. Best practice is to A/B test different sets to discover which ones drive the most conversions.

Step 3: Store Page A/B Testing

Your goal is to continuously improve the app store product page to maximize conversion rates.

Conduct A/B tests on visual assets

Your app store page is your sales pitch. Experiment with different versions to see which one resonates most with potential users. Learn what motivates your players or users and utilize that knowledge to create optimized assets. The better your hypothesis is, the better you are able to analyze data and user behavior and optimize accordingly. Testing also gives you freedom to try out completely new approaches and helps you think out of the box.

Elements to test:

  • Icon
  • Screenshots
  • App preview video
  • Description
  • Title

Pro tip: Use player motivation tests to dive deeper into the preferences of your audience. Player motivation tests include testing different versions of visuals that correlate with different motivations. This way you are able to analyze why your players download your game. In turn, you can double down on those elements in the app store to try to increase downloads.

Testing outside the app stores with a third-party tool, such as Geeklab, means that your organic traffic is not affected by any test. The tests are run on paid users with the help of ad campaigns which let’s you adjust the target audience according to your needs.

A/B test continuously

Optimization never ends. Trends come and go. If you want to stay on top of them, the key is to create a solid testing loop. This even helps you take into consideration testing seasonal assets early on to maximize the potential. The same applies to optimizing in-app live events. Geeklab allows you to A/B test the live event card on the app store page so that you can compare live event concepts against each other.

Regularly analyze app store analytics to track the performance of your ASO efforts and A/B tests. Data-driven insights are your best guide. Be ready to pivot your strategy based on evolving market trends and user feedback.

Step 4: User Review and Rating Management

Your goal is to improve the app’s or game’s reputation and build user trust.

Encourage positive reviews

Happy users are your best promoters. Prompt them to leave positive reviews and ratings at strategic moments, like after completing a level or achieving a milestone. Use in-app messages to gently nudge them towards sharing their love for your app.

Respond to user feedback

Negative reviews happen, but they’re not the end of the world. Address them promptly and professionally but most importantly take notes. Show users that their feedback matters and that you’re committed to making improvements. The “What’s New” section is great to highlight how you’ve acted on their feedback.

Step 5: Localization and Internationalization

Your goal is to expand the app’s or game’s reach and appeal to a global audience.

Localize app store product pages

Never just translate—localize. Adapt the title, description, keywords, and visual assets for different regions and languages. It’s important to make sure translations are culturally relevant and appealing to local users. Also note that some markets are more sensitive to accurate localization than others, therefore a thorough market research will be useful.

Optimize for local trends

Use local keywords and tweak your visual elements to reflect regional preferences and trends. Keep an eye on local competitors and adjust your ASO strategy based on what’s working in those markets. Stay ahead of the curve.

By implementing these steps, you increase the chances to improve the conversion rate of your app or mobile game, ensuring it reaches and resonates with a broader audience. Continuous improvement is key. so stay proactive, keep testing.

If you need help on executing your strategy, let’s talk!


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